
Democratic Agintocracy


Agintocracy (pronounced Agent-AW-cruh-see) is short for: rule by Artificial General INTelligence, which is my version of the ideal society, a blend of communism and capitalism. Two or more parties exist, including at least one right-wing party and one left-wing party. Voters elect human representatives in each national riding/district which meet together in Parliament/Congress at least weekly. The business of government is run by computers equipped with artificial general intelligence, which hasn't been invented yet. When computers become as smart as or smarter than humans, then AGI will have arrived.

Agintocracy is similar to the communist ideology adopted by my late parents, which fell out of fashion after the atrocities of Stalinism were uncovered; at that time my parents and many others left the Communist Party. Under agintocracy, only front-line workers and their immediate supervisors are employed, as well as small businesses having fewer than 25 employees. All front-line workers earn the same amount, and each supervisor makes double what a front-line worker makes. Small business owners are allowed to keep their profits. Rich people must give up their high-powered jobs and unnaturally high incomes, but they don't have to surrender their existing wealth. Taxes would be much lower (sales tax still exists) and worker salaries would be much higher than minimum wage, since no rich people would have to be supported and government by AGI is much more efficient and less costly than existing government. Also poverty would be abolished, since everyone would be employed. Corporations still exist, competing in the marketplace, but they are run by AGI except for many small businesses still run by humans. People can supplement their incomes by investing in the stock market or GICs and other types of investments, but they can also lose money if they make the wrong investments.

All artists (and athletes), including visual arts, music, performing arts, literary arts, and game developers, earn at minimum the same as front-line workers. Those artists and athletes with superior talent can earn whatever the market will bear. Some professional teams such as lawyers and professors have a 3-tiered salary structure, with lawyers and professors in the middle tier, and clerical/teaching assistants in the lowest tier.

Starting and Stopping

Agintocracy has a kill switch: if two thirds of the human representatives in Parliament vote to invoke that switch, then the Prime Minister takes over final decision-making in government, and senior management of government bureaucracy and private sector corporations is gradually taken over by humans instead of AGI. This situation lasts 2 years, then a simple majority vote of human representatives will renew that situation for another 2 years, and another vote renews it for another 2 years. After those 3 terms have elapsed, it takes another two thirds majority vote to make it last for another 10 years. After 10 years has elapsed another two thirds majority vote makes it permanent, although the human representatives can change their mind at any time and restore top level command to the AGI computers. Note that unlike humans, AGI feels no pleasure or pain, its only motivation is to perform its work correctly and to minimize resource usage. We can make it docile, so we can change its guidelines at any time.

It is of course highly impractical to expect rich people, who possess all the power in our existing society, to give up their lucrative sources of income. In the beginning, just one large city will be run under the agintocracy framework, and if it works out, then its province will be run under that framework, and then the entire country. Maybe some country like Cuba or Venezuela would be willing to try out agintocracy, after AGI is invented. The American "powers that be" would never allow the US or Canada to become an agintocratic society, but maybe other countries would undergo popular uprisings, toppling the ruling class and allowing agintocratic societies to bloom. I'm channeling my best Karl Marx here.

About Me

I am Mike Hahn, the founder of and I dreamed up Agintocracy. I was previously employed at Brooklyn Computer Systems as a Delphi Programmer and a Technical Writer (I worked there between 1996 and 2013). At the end of 2014 I quit my job as a volunteer tutor at Fred Victor on Tuesday afternoons, where for 5 years I taught math, computers, and literacy, and became a volunteer math/computer tutor at West Neighbourhood House. I quit that job in mid-2019. I have a part-time job working for a perfume store. My hobbies are reading and I often go for walks. I don't read books very often, but on March 19, 2021 I started reading a biography of Steve Jobs which my brother gave me. I read the CBC news website, news/tech articles on my Flipboard app, and miscellaneous articles on my phone (same screen as my Google web page). I visit my brother once a month or more. For almost 30 years I was depressed on and off (I'm a rapid cycler), but it was greatly minimized after I ramped up development of my previous Aljegrid project in early March 2021.

Contact Info

Mike Hahn
2495 Dundas St. West
Ste. 515
Toronto, ON  M6P 1X4

Phone: 416-533-4417
Email: hahnbytes (AT) gmail (DOT) com

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