


Moborigin is a tool used to develop online communities accessed from Android and iOS mobile devices. Moborigin includes a new programming language called MoboLisp, along with a screen layout language called MoboTags, and a MoboLisp app store. MoboLisp also runs on Windows/Mac/Linux. [ GO DEEPER ]

Revenue Sources

  • Online Communities, user fees:
    • Members: $1/year (nonprofits)
    • Customers: $2/year
    • Employees: $10/year
    • Discount for >50 members/customers: 75% off
  • Unrestricted Mode: $20 (one-time fee)
  • Restricted Mode: FREE, pick one of the following
    1. Unichrome: only grayscale or gray mixed with a single primary color allowed
    2. Monospaced: grid of monospaced text fills screen
  • Ads (optional):
    • Unrestricted mode apps for everyone
    • Online Communities: FREE
  • TwindoBoard tutor app:
    • FREE for nonprofits
    • otherwise an unrestricted mode app
  • Tutors: $20/year (directory listing, get paid hourly rate by students)
  • Web hosting fees paid by developers of resource-hungry apps

Online Communities

  • MoboLisp and MoboTags together form the simplest programming-language/layout-manager duo in existence, yet MoboLisp is almost as powerful as Python (though lacking its extensive libraries).
  • Easily customized by adding or modifying MoboLisp and MoboTags code, or implemented from scratch.
  • Members can share posts, comments, images, videos, web links, written material (plain text or formatted with MoboTags code), music/audio, and custom code.
  • Tutors can teach math, coding and web design to the members.
  • Web-based interface provided for members who lack smartphones.
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