
Parthorama is a general purpose app development tool which supports local and client-server apps. The apps are written in a new programming language called Parthonyte, as well as a text markup language called Parthotags. Parthonyte is implemented in Java, so apps run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Client-server apps are hosted by third party Java hosting services. Server-side Parthonyte code is supported and hosted by Parthorama, apps are called SSPs.

Business Model

Subscribers pay $10/year, and enjoy unrestricted use of client-server apps. Clients of nonprofit organizations always enjoy unrestricted use of client-server apps run by the organization they belong to, and like capped users, they pay no fees.

The amount of data capped users download and upload to a given client-server app in a given calendar month is capped. When the upload cap is reached, they can no longer upload any data (in excess of 80 bytes per user action). Similarly, when the download cap is reached, each download operation is limited to 5000 bytes of Parthotags code, and no data files can be downloaded.

Cap Amounts

The upload and download cap amounts are equal to the lowest quintile and highest quartile of bandwidth, respectively, for all users of a given client-server app in the previous calendar month. The bandwidth equals the amount of data downloaded and uploaded by a given user.

So when a capped user reaches the upload cap amount exceeded by 80 percent of the users of a given client-server app X in the previous calendar month, data uploads by that user to app X are restricted until the end of the month. Similarly, when a capped user reaches the download cap amount exceeded by 25 percent of the users of a given client-server app X in the previous calendar month, data downloads by that user from app X are restricted until the end of the month.

Quantity Discount

Organizations receive a quantity discount when paying subscription fees of multiple employees and customers. The fee charged to the organization is equal to $20/year or $5/user/year, whichever is higher.


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