



  1. Develop foundation of Parthonyte code execution - done!
  2. Pitch project idea to Progress Place
  3. Develop rest of Parthonyte code execution: WCNMIL
    1. Wrap up core foundation features
    2. Classes and objects
    3. Non-scalar data types
    4. Modules
    5. Inheritance + Interfaces (hedrons)
    6. Library
  4. Release Parthonyte as console-based compiler on GitHub
  5. Begin recruiting contributors
  6. Write Parthotags design specs
  7. Develop Parthotags
  8. Integrate Parthonyte with Parthotags
  9. PYRE: Parthonyte Runtime Environment (open source)
  10. Phase 1: monospaced text
  11. Develop Parthonyte code editor
  12. Expand code editor to Parthonyte SDK
  13. Develop Parthonyte-to-Java converter
  14. Create forums for developers and end-users
  15. Develop desktop app store
  16. Launch website
  17. Purchase Google AdWords advertising
  18. Lower priority features:
    1. Implement Keyboard Aid (bells and whistles of editor)
    2. Develop WYSIWYG Parthotags screen editor
  19. Hire Watcoder: Waterloo Co-op Student
  20. Watcoder to handle Phase 2: variable-width text
  21. Meanwhile, pitch project idea to DMZ tech incubator
  22. If search for angel investor succeeds
  23. Or, if grant proposal to Ministry of Health succeeds
  24. Then Watcoder becomes co-founder
  25. Else Watcoder is laid off
  26. Monetize apps and sites
  27. Develop Parthoscreen (monospaced text)
  28. Design Progress Place intranet
  29. Implement support for mobile devices (optional):
    1. Hire Android/Swift programmer if sufficient funds
    2. Port PYRE to Android
    3. Develop mobile app store
    4. Convert PYRE for Android to Swift
    5. Develop PYRE for iOS from raw Swift codebase
    6. Develop optional code editor






Project name
New programming language, similar to Python
Text markup language, similar to HTML
Whiteboard used for teaching math
Parthonyte Runtime Environment

Parthonyte source file
Parthonyte compiled unit
Parthotags file
Parthotags/JSON file

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