PlicTalk Implementation

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Data Structures

  1. Node Size = 12 bytes
  2. Node List Size = 256 nodes/page x 12 B/node = 3072 B/page
  3. Page List Size = 512 page slots x 11 B/slot = 5632 bytes
    1. Bottom level Node List (or Page) has 256 Nodes
    2. Page List or Chapter has 512 slots, each slot points to a Page
    3. Slot = 4-byte ptr. + 2 x 24-bit ptrs. + updated byte
    4. 4-byte ptr. points to node list (page) = null when page is swapped out
    5. 2 x 24-bit ptrs. point to next/prev. pages in linked list
  4. Chapter List Size = 2048 page lists x 4 B/page list = 8192 bytes
  5. Address Space = 32 (4-byte ptr.) + 4 (16 bytes/node) = 36 bits = 64 GB
  6. Page Addr: 4-bit book no + 11-bit chapter no + 9-bit page idx = 24 bits
  7. Addr Value: 24-bit page addr + 8-bit node idx = 32 bits
  8. Node Types:
    1. Object Ref Node: 0 bit, 31-bit refcount, 0 bit, 31-bit root (attr) ptr., code ptr.
    2. Object Value Node: 0 bit, 31-bit refcount, 1 bit, header, 4-byte value
    3. Lisp Node: 1 bit, 31-bit refcount, 2 x 4-byte ptrs. to lisp, obj ref, obj val nodes
    4. Tree Node: 2 x 16-bit hdrs., 2 x 4-byte values
    5. Stack Node: 4-byte hdr., 4-byte value, 4-byte next
    6. Base Node: prior base ptr., root (parm/loc) ptr., next ptr.
    7. Long Node: 64-bit long, double, or bitarray
    8. Callback Node: obj ref, code ptr.
    9. String Node: 3 x 4-byte Unicode chars.
    10. ByteZero Node: 12 bytes, null-terminated
    11. Bytes Node: 12 bytes
    12. Array Node: same as stack node, used for string, bytezero, bytes, bitarray values
    13. String List: bytezero value, may contain newline chars.
    14. Dict Leaf Node: string list, array node (list of values)
  9. Header Values:
    1. node, boolean, int, long, float, double, object, lisp, string, bytezero, bytes, bitarray, array, dict, dict leaf, callback, op, paren, null
  10. Binary Tree: has root, max path size = 32 bits
    1. object node
    2. base node
    3. array, dict
  11. Class Inheritance:
    1. Code ptr. may point to method in ancestor class
    2. Current class includes all ancestor attributes
  12. Page Types:
    1. Book (up to 16 of these), Chapter, Page
    2. Also called chapter list, page list, node list, respectively
  13. Swap File:
    1. 16 chapter lists (2048 ptrs. x 4 B/ptr.) = 128K
    2. 16 x 2048 page lists (512 page slots x 11 B/slot) < 192 MB
    3. 16 x 2048 x 512 node lists x 3072 B/page = 48 GB
  14. Tree-balancing functionality needed
  15. Little or no support for arrays
  16. Linked list implemented in library using Seq class:
    1. Data structure: lisp nodes, each node points to current, rest of list
    2. Properties: first/last lisp nodes, count
    3. Methods: pop, push, append, insert, delete, getnode, getnext, getprior
    4. StackSeq class: top, count, pop, push
  17. Reference counting used for garbage collection
  18. PageUpdate(currIdx)
    1. // move pageList[curridx] to end of occupied page list
    2. if prev(currIdx) = 0 then firstFull = next(currIdx)
    3. else next(prev(currIdx)) = next(currIdx)
    4. if next(currIdx) = 0 then lastFull = prev(currIdx)
    5. else prev(next(currIdx)) = prev(currIdx)
    6. // append currIdx to occupied page list
    7. next(currIdx) = prev(currIdx) = 0
    8. if lastFull = 0 then firstFull = currIdx
    9. else
      1. next(lastFull) = currIdx
      2. prev(currIdx) = lastFull
    10. lastFull = currIdx
    11. updated(curridx) = 1
    12. return
  19. PageSwapNew(newIdx)
    1. Occurs when adding a new node list, forcing an old node list to be swapped out
    2. // newIdx = addr. of new page
    3. // free page list in RAM is empty
    4. oldIdx = firstFull // head of occupied page list
    5. if updated(oldIdx) then write old node list to swap file
    6. newIdx = addr. of new page
    7. currIdx = oldIdx
    8. PageAppend(curridx, newIdx)
    9. updated(currIdx) = 1
    10. return
  20. NullPointer(currIdx)
    1. Occurs when null ptr. (swapped page) encountered in page list
    2. // currIdx = idx of swapped page in page list
    3. // pageList[currIdx] is null
    4. if next(currIdx) = 0 and firstEmpty = currIdx then PageSwap(curridx)
    5. else PageRefresh(curridx)
    6. return
  21. PageRefresh(curridx)
    1. Read node list (of currIdx) from swap file
    2. newIdx = addr. of page just read
    3. PageAppend(curridx, newIdx)
    4. return
  22. PageSwap(curridx)
    1. // free page list in RAM is empty
    2. oldIdx = firstFull // head of occupied page list
    3. if updated(oldIdx) then write old node list to swap file
    4. Read node list (of currIdx) from swap file
    5. Overwrite old node list with data read (addr = oldIdx)
    6. PageAppend(curridx, oldIdx)
    7. return
  23. PageAppend(currIdx, newIdx)
    1. pageList[currIdx] = newIdx
    2. // remove currIdx from empty page list
    3. if prev(currIdx) = 0 then firstEmpty = next(currIdx)
    4. else next(prev(currIdx)) = next(currIdx)
    5. if next(currIdx) = 0 then lastEmpty = prev(currIdx)
    6. else prev(next(currIdx)) = prev(currIdx)
    7. // append currIdx to occupied page list
    8. next(currIdx) = prev(currIdx) = 0
    9. if lastFull = 0 then firstFull = currIdx
    10. else
      1. next(lastFull) = currIdx
      2. prev(currIdx) = lastFull
    11. lastFull = currIdx
    12. updated(currIdx) = 0

Code Execution

All PlicTalk source code is in Polish notation, in which operators precede their operands. The following algorithm is used, in which operators are stored in one stack and operands in a separate stack. Executable code consists of tree nodes.

rightp = root
while true do
  if rightp = 0 then
    op = pop operator
    if op = root then
      return true
    if op = while/for/loopbody then
      pop rightp from operator stack
    if op = if then
      pop rightp from operator stack
      pop (
    if op = block then
      pop (
      pop if from operator stack
      pop (
      pop rightp from operator stack
    count = 0
    while true do
        pop operand
        if open parenthesis then break
        push operand on operator stack
        increment count
    if op = call then
      rightp = handlecall(count)
    if op = constructor then
      rightp = handlecons(count)
    if op = callback then
      rightp = handlecallback(count)
    pop operand from operator stack
    push operand
    repeat count - 1 times
        pop operand from operator stack
        push operand
        rightpop = pop
        leftpop = pop
        push op(leftpop, rightpop)
        // (: obj attridx) => obj...
    if count = 1 then
      if unary op then
        push op(pop)
        rightpop = pop
        leftpop = pop
        push op(leftpop, rightpop)
    rightp = pop operator
  currnode = getnode(rightp)
  if open parenthesis then
    push on operand stack
    push rightp on operator stack
    rightp = currnode.downp
  else if operand then
    push on operand stack
    rightp = currnode.rightp
  else if operator then
    push on operator stack
    rightp = currnode.rightp
  else if funcbody then
    rightp = currnode.rightp
  else if endfunc then
    pop downto begin from operator stack
    pop rightp from operator stack
  else if while/for then
    rightp = currnode.rightp
    push rightp, while/for on operator stack    
  else if do then
    flag = pop
    if not flag then
      pop while, rightp from operator stack
      pop rightp from operator stack
      pop (
  else if continue then
    pop downto while from operator stack
    pop rightp from operator stack
  else if break then
    pop downto while from operator stack
    pop rightp, rightp from operator stack
    pop (
  else if breakfor then
    pop downto for from operator stack
    pop rightp, rightp from operator stack
    pop (
    pop (
  else if contfor then
    pop downto loopbody from operator stack
    pop rightp from operator stack
  else if then then
    flag = pop
    if flag then
      rightp = currnode.rightp
      pop if from operator stack
      pop (
      pop rightp from operator stack
    return false
pop downto x from operator stack:
  pop multiple from operator stack
  if: pop (
  while: pop (

do block while flag:
  while true do block if not flag then break

  pop classref from operator stack
  gen objref: root 0/1 = instance/class vars
  push objref on operator stack
  return handlecall(count)

  pop objref from operator stack
  push objref
  pop codept from operator stack
  return handlecodept(codept, count)
handlecodept(codept, count):
  repeat count - 2 times
    pop val from operator stack
    push val
  push count - 1
  return codept

  pop callback from operator stack
  unpack objref, codept
  push objref
  return handlecodept(codept, count)

  count = pop
  root = new node
  for i = count - 2 downto 0 do
    parm = pop
    add parm to 1st half of tree[i]
  objref = parm
  rightp = currnode.rightp
  loccount = currnode value
  repeat loccount times
    add null node to 2nd half of tree
  rightp = currnode.rightp
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