- Develop foundation of Psybergram code execution - almost done!
- Develop rest of Psybergram code execution
- Release Psybergram as console-based compiler on GitHub
- Implement GUI: monospaced mode
- Release Psybergram/GUI on GitHub
- Write Psybertags design specs
- Develop Psybertags
- Integrate Psybergram with Psybertags
- Psybergram/Psybertags: PSYBergram Runtime Environment (PSYBRE)
- PSYBRE with full GUI is open source
- Port Psybergram console-based compiler to Android
- Hire Java programmer who is on autism spectrum, as co-founder
- Use Specialisterne, they find IT jobs for people on spectrum
- Make pitch to DMZ tech incubator at Ryerson
- If pitch is unsuccessful, no more co-founder, skip to Step 18
- Start paying co-founder: main Android programmer
- Search for angel investor
- Port Psybergram monospaced GUI to Android (warmup task)
- Port PSYBRE to Android
- Develop Psybergram SDK:
- Develop Psybergram code editor
- Expand code editor to Psybergram SDK
- Release Psybergram SDK
- If search for angel investor fails, co-founder is laid off
- Develop Psybergram-to-Javascript converter (server-side code)
- Develop turbo mode conversion utility
- Develop Psybergram libraries:
- 2D graphics
- 3D graphics
- Animation
- Voice-to-text
- Text-to-voice
- Develop Psyberhood psybergroup
- Develop monetizing functionality
- Launch website
- Launch PSYBRE for desktop operating systems
- Launch PSYBRE for Android
- Purchase Google AdWords advertising
- Implement Keyboard Aid (bells and whistles of editor)
- Develop WYSIWYG Psybertags screen editor
- Implement optional Psybertags-to-HTML converter
- Port PSYBRE to iOS if Psybergram is successful
Unlike the Metaverse, Psybervillage is more inclusive. Many low-income users depend on public computers provided by nonprofit organizations. Often homeless people don't even have smartphones. If the public computers need to provide 3D goggles just so their users can access state of the art social media such as the Metaverse, it is financially burdensome. Also those goggles can be easily slipped into a backpack or purse, unlike monitors and hard drives, which is another burden on the nonprofit organizations. To support Psybervillage users, organizations don't have to worry about goggle theft. Furthermore, Psybervillage has a freemium business model and is not ad-supported.