
Old Psyvaspace is a website for consumer/survivors. Members participate in 5 kinds of activities. Psyvaspace is free for all members who are consumer/survivors. Other members (who pay $10 per year) are staff members of non-profit organizations or NPOs (volunteers and tutors pay no fees), as well as friends and family members of the consumer/survivors. The NPOs are responsible for registering/verifying the individuals they serve with Psyvaspace. NPOs have the option of paying Psyvaspace to hire volunteers to moderate their forums, at a rate of say 5 cents per forum post.


  1. Forums and chat rooms
  2. Share: photos, artwork, pieces of writing, web links, YouTube videos, code (web design, software)
  3. Games: play turn-based games
  4. Tutoring: receive tutoring or be a tutor
  5. Code: develop software


All software (and games) used by members to interact with each other is written in an open source language called Psyvascript, which is itself implemented in Java. The sister language of Psyvascript is called Psyvatags, which is used to lay out text and graphics displayed on the user's screen. It also does double duty as a language for configuration files. Psyvascript multi-user runs on smartphones, and single-user runs on laptops. If the WebSocket Demo is feasible, then Psyvascript runs only on laptops/desktops, no more smartphone support.


The Psyvagrid is used to teach math. It consists of a grid, whereby monospaced text characters each take up 2 grid cells. Superscripts and subscripts are handled using a vertical offset of one grid cell. Widgets such as check boxes and radio buttons take up 4 grid cells. Tutors and students communicate with each other using text-based chat.

WebSocket Demo

Using WebSocket and HTML5, the Psyvagrid is displayed on 2 client computers. The remote server keeps the clients in sync. An embedded Jetty web server on each client interacts with its client, along with the remote server. The Psyvagrid has no widgets, superscripts, or subscripts. Events include text output, text color change, background color change, underline toggle, cursor change, and button press. Buttons are simply pieces of underlined and colored text.

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