Note: to support some complex layouts, some or all text/graphics is rendered using an HTML5 canvas object.
- Simple Tag: {<taghdr>}
- Container Tag: {<taghdr> | <body>}
- List Tag: {<taghdr> <list>}
- Body List Tag: {<taghdr> <bodlst>}
- <bodlst>: [ | <body>]*
- <list>: [<col>]*
- <col>: | [<fldval>]* | <body>
- <taghdr>: <tagname> [<fldval>]*
- <fldval>: fldname=value;
- <body>: body text
- Vert. Grid Line: \|
- Horiz. Grid Line: underscore (_)
- Grid Intersection: plus (+)
- Escape Char.: backslash (\)
- Pyrenthic Code: {% ... %}
- Pyrenthic Expr.: {{ ... }}
- Repetition: [ XYZ ]*
- XYZ repeats zero or more times
- Tag Names:
- table, row, grid
- switch (accommodates small displays)
- super, sub, text, pre, br, hr, img, a, ch
- input, radio, checkbox
- styles, include, h1..h5, b, i, u, ol, ul, meta
- Fields:
- width=50/0.5 (pixels/ratio)
- pad=50/0.5
- x, y = 50/0.5
- height = n (pixels)
- topb=1 (pixels)
- bottomb, leftb, rightb, midb = 1
- color=FF00FF (rgb)
- fcolor=00FF00 (text)
- bcolor=000000 (borders)
- colspan, rowspan = n
- just="L/C/R"
- b, i, u (bold, italics, underline)
- same (same as previous)
- vis (visible)
- coldefs
- rows, cols = n (grid size)
- id="mynode", id="mytag"
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