
Remoclubs is a website for marginalized populations and members of remote clubs. Members of clubs having 16 or more members (called premium clubs) are charged an annual subscription fee of between $10 and $40. Members participate in various activities (see below). Marginalized populations belong to a special club called the Remosphere, which is free for all of its members. Other Remosphere members are staff members/volunteers of non-profit organizations, and up to 8 friends and family members for each marginalized user. The non-profit organizations are responsible for registering/verifying the individuals they serve with the Remosphere.


  • Forums and chat rooms
  • Share: photos, artwork, pieces of writing, web links, YouTube videos, code (web design, software)
  • Games: play turn-based games
  • Tutoring: receive tutoring or be a tutor
  • Code: develop software

Membership Types

The 3 membership types are bronze, silver and gold. Bronze memberships cost $10 per year. Bronze members can only join one premium club in any given quarter. Silver memberships cost $25 per year. Silver members can join up to 3 premium clubs in any given quarter. Gold memberships cost $40 per year. Gold members can join an unlimited number of premium clubs. Trial club memberships last 5 days. Quitting a club during the trial period nullifies that club membership, so it doesn't count.


All software (and games) used by members to interact with each other is written in an open source language called Remolisp, which is itself implemented in Java. The sister language of Remolisp is called Remodisq, which is used to lay out text and graphics displayed on the user's screen. It also does double duty as a language for configuration files. Remolisp multi-user runs on smartphones, and single-user runs on laptops. If the WebSocket Demo is feasible, then Remolisp runs only on laptops/desktops, no more smartphone support.


Users who, during at least 2 calendar months, spend at least 10 percent of their time logged in tutoring (minimum 2 hours) receive a 100 percent refund of annual subscription fees already paid out. This only applies to bronze, silver and gold members.


The Remoboard is used to teach math. It consists of a grid, whereby monospaced text characters each take up 2 grid cells. Superscripts and subscripts are handled using a vertical offset of one grid cell. Widgets such as check boxes and radio buttons take up 4 grid cells. Tutors and students communicate with each other using text-based chat.

WebSocket Demo

Using WebSocket and HTML5, the Remoboard is displayed on 2 client computers. The remote server keeps the clients in sync. An embedded Jetty web server on each client interacts with its client, along with the remote server. The Remoboard has no widgets, superscripts, or subscripts. Events include text output, text color change, background color change, underline toggle, cursor change, and button press. Buttons are simply pieces of underlined and colored text.


I am Mike Hahn, the founder of I was previously employed at Brooklyn Computer Systems as a Delphi Programmer and a Technical Writer (I worked there between 1996 and 2013). At the end of 2014 I quit my job as a volunteer tutor at Fred Victor on Tuesday afternoons, where for 5 years I taught math, computers, and literacy, and became a volunteer math/computer tutor at West Neighbourhood House. I quit that job in mid-2019. My hobbies are reading questions/answers, and news/tech articles on and my Flipboard app. About twice a year I get together with my sister Cathy who lives in Victoria. She comes here or I go out there usually in the summer. A few months prior to starting my Remoclubs project I used to lie on the couch a lot, not being very active. Now I'm busy most of the time. I visit my brother Dave once a month or so and I also visit my friends Main and Steph frequently. For 26 years I was depressed on and off (I'm a rapid cycler), but it largely vanished after I started my Remoclubs project.

Contact Info

Mike Hahn
2495 Dundas St. West
Ste. 515
Toronto, ON  M6P 1X4

Phone: 416-533-4417
Email: hahnbytes (AT) gmail (DOT) com

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