


Uniqrome is a language used for developing apps running on Android, Windows, Mac and Linux. Every app author must download the Uniqrome APK/Java bean file. End-users who have not yet converted (for a specific app) face a display limitation: their display is limited to shades of gray and a single hue. This hue can only be used for rectangles (with or without rounded corners) and/or text. Upon user conversion, this display limitation is no longer in effect. Once every quarter, each app author must log in to Uniqrome.com and upload their user conversion file, telling Uniqrome.com which users have converted. The app authors are charged $1.00 per converted user per year. End-users can try out each app in full color mode for 90 days.

Flagship Android App

The flagship Android app lets all silver or gold-level users run any silver-level Uniqrome app in full color mode, as opposed to grayscale + a single hue. Only gold-level users can run gold-level Uniqrome apps in full color mode. App authors have the option of making their apps silver or gold-level (not necessarily free) for the members. Gold-level apps are partially written in Java and hosted by the app authors, but only the Uniqrome parts of those apps are in grayscale mode for silver-level users. App authors (self-hosted apps excepted) must pay bandwidth fees if their apps make heavy use of server resources. A corresponding flagship desktop app exists for desktop operating systems. Gold-level users pay membership fees of $5/month and silver-level users pay membership fees of $10/year. Membership fees are payable to Uniqrome.com. Bronze-level users pay no membership fees.

Exit Strategy

In case Uniqrome is unprofitable, app authors will no longer be required to periodically upload their user conversion file to Uniqrome.com. The app authors will be given 30 days notice to log in to Uniqrome.com and permanently disable checking of user conversions.

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