
Joopathon Grammar


White Space

White space occurs between tokens (parentheses and semicolons count as white space).

Grammar Notation

  • Non-terminal symbol: <symbol>
  • Optional text in brackets: [ text ]
  • Repeats zero or more times: [ text ]...
  • Repeats one or more times: <symbol>...
  • Pipe separates alternatives: opt1 | opt2
  • Comments in italics

<source file>:

  • do ( [<imp>]... [<def glb>] [<def>]... [<class>]... )


  • <import stmt> ;

<import stmt>:

  • import <module>...
  • from <rel module> import <mod list>
  • from <rel module> import all


  • <name>
  • ( : <name><name>... )
  • ( as <name><name> )
  • ( as ( : <name><name>... ) <name> )

<mod list>:

  • <id as>...

<id as>:

  • <mod id>
  • ( as <mod id><name> )

<mod id>:

  • <mod name>
  • <class name>
  • <func name>
  • <var name>

<rel module>:

  • ( : [<num>][<name>]... )
  • <name> // ?


  • <cls typ><name> [<base class>] [<does>] [<vars>] [<ivars>] do ( <def>... ) ;
  • abclass <name> [<base class>] [<does>] [<vars>] [<ivars>] do ( <anydef>... ) ;
  • <hedron><name> [<does>] [<const list>] do ( [<abdef>]... [<defimp>]... ) ;
  • enum <name><elist> ;
  • ienum <name><elist> ;

<cls typ>:

  • class
  • iclass


  • ( does <hedron name>... )

<hedron name>:
<base class>:

  • <name>
  • ( : <name><name>... )

<const list>:

  • ( const <const pair>... )

<const pair>:

  • ( <name><const expr> )


  • hedron
  • ihedron

<def glb>:

  • gdefun [<vars>] [<ivars>] do <block> ;


  • <defun> ( <name> [<parms>] ) [<vars>] [<gvars>] [<dec>] do <block> ;


  • defimp ( <name> [<parms>] ) [<vars>] [<gvars>] [<dec>] do <block> ;


  • abdefun ( <name> [<parms>] ) [<dec>] ;


  • defun
  • idefun


  • <def>
  • <abdef>


  • ( var [<id>]... )


  • ( ivar [<id>]... )


  • ( gvar [<id>]... )


  • [<id>]... [<parm>]... [ ( * <id> ) ] [ ( ** <id> ) ]


  • ( <set op><id><const expr> )


  • ( decor <dec expr>... )


  • ( [<stmt-semi>]... )


  • <stmt> ;

<jump stmt>:

  • <continue stmt>
  • <break stmt>
  • <return stmt>
  • return <expr>
  • <raise stmt>

<raise stmt>:

  • raise [<expr> [ from <expr>]]


  • <if stmt>
  • <while stmt>
  • <for stmt>
  • <switch stmt>
  • <try stmt>
  • <asst stmt>
  • <del stmt>
  • <jump stmt>
  • <call stmt>
  • <print stmt>
  • <bool stmt>

<call expr>:

  • ( <name> [<arg list>] )
  • ( : <colon expr>... <name> )
  • ( : <colon expr>... ( <method name> [<arg list>] ))
  • ( :: <colon expr>... <name> else <expr> )
  • ( :: <colon expr>... ( <method name> [<arg list>] ) else <expr> )
  • ( call <expr> [<arg list>] )

<call stmt>:

  • <name> [<arg list>]
  • : <colon expr>... ( <method name> [<arg list>] )
  • call <expr> [<arg list>]

<colon expr>:

  • <name>
  • ( <name> [<arg list>] )

<arg list>:

  • [<expr>]... [ ( <set op><id><expr> ) ]...

<dec expr>:

  • <name>
  • ( <name><id>... )
  • ( : <name><id>... )
  • ( : <name>... (<id>... ))

<dot op>:

  • dot | :

<dotnull op>:

  • dotnull | ::

<asst stmt>:

  • <asst op><target expr><expr>
  • <set op> ( tuple <target expr>... ) <expr>
  • <inc op><name>

<asst op>:

  • set | addset | minusset | mpyset | divset |
  • idivset | modset |
  • shlset | shrset | shruset |
  • andbset | xorbset | orbset
  • andset | xorset | orset
  • = | += | -= | *= | /= |
  • //= | %= |
  • <<= | >>= | >>>= |
  • &= | ^= | '|=' |
  • &&= | ^^= | '||='

<set op>:

  • set | =

<target expr>:

  • <name>
  • ( : <colon expr>... <name> )
  • ( slice <arr><expr> [<expr>] )
  • ( slice <arr><expr> all )
  • ( <crop><cons expr> )

<arr>:   string or array/list

  • <name>
  • <expr>

<if stmt>:

  • if <expr> do <block> [ elif <expr> do <block>]... [ else do <block>]

<while stmt>:

  • while <expr> do <block>
  • while do <block> until <expr>

<for stmt>:

  • for <name> [<idx var>] in <expr> do <block>
  • for ( <bool stmt>; <bool stmt>; <bool stmt> ) do <block>

<try stmt>:

  • try do <block> <except clause>... [ else do <block>] [ eotry do <block>]
  • try do <block> eotry do <block>

<except clause>:

  • except <name> [ as <name>] do <block>

<bool stmt>:

  • quest [<expr>]
  • ? [<expr>]
  • <asst stmt>

<switch stmt>:

  • switch <expr><case body> [ else do <block>]

<case body>:

  • [ case <id> do <block>]...
  • [ case <dec int> do <block>]...
  • [ case <str lit> do <block>]...
  • [ case <tuple expr> do <block>]...

<return stmt>:

  • return

<break stmt>:

  • break

<continue stmt>:

  • continue

<del stmt>:

  • del <expr>

<paren stmt>:

  • ( <stmt> )


  • ( quote [<paren stmt>]... )


  • <keyword const>
  • <literal>
  • <name>
  • ( <unary op><expr> )
  • ( <bin op><expr><expr> )
  • ( <multi op><expr><expr>... )
  • ( <quest><expr><expr><expr> )
  • <lambda>
  • ( quote <expr>... )
  • <cons expr>
  • <tuple expr>
  • <list expr>
  • <dict expr>
  • <venum expr>
  • <string expr>
  • <bytes expr>
  • <target expr>
  • <call expr>
  • <cast>


  • quest | ?

<inc op>:

  • incint | decint | ++ | --

<unary op>:

  • minus | notbitz | not |
  • - | ~ | !

<bin op>:

  • <arith op>
  • <comparison op>
  • <shift op>
  • <bitwise op>
  • <boolean op>

<arith op>:

  • div | idiv | mod | mpy | add | minus |
  • / | // | % | * | + | -

<comparison op>:

  • ge | le | gt | lt | eq | ne | is | in |
  • >= | <= | > | < | == | !=

<shift op>:

  • shl | shr | shru |
  • << | >> | >>>

Note: some operators delimited with single quotes for clarity (quotes omitted in source code)

<bitwise op>:

  • andbitz | xorbitz | orbitz |
  • & | ^ | '|'

<boolean op>:

  • and | xor | or |
  • && | ^^ | '||'

<multi op>:

  • mpy | add | strdo | strcat |
  • and | xor | andbitz | xorbitz |
  • or | orbitz |
  • * | + | % | + |
  • && | ^^ | & | ^ |
  • '||' | '|'

<const expr>:

  • <literal>
  • <keyword const>


  • <num lit>
  • <str lit>
  • <bytes lit>

<cons expr>:

  • ( cons <expr><expr> )
  • ( <crop><expr> )

<tuple expr>:

  • ( tuple [<expr>]... )
  • ( <literal> [<expr>]... )
  • ( )

<list expr>:

  • ( jist [<expr>]... )

<dict expr>:

  • ( dict [ <pair>]... )

<pair>:  // expr1 is a string

  • ( : <expr1><expr2> )
  • ( : <str lit><expr> )

<venum expr>:

  • ( venum <enum name> [<elist>] )
  • ( venum <enum name><idpair>... )


  • <id>...
  • <intpair>...
  • <chpair>...

<intpair>:  // integer constant

  • <int const>
  • ( : <int const><int const> )

<chpair>:  // one-char. string

  • <char lit>
  • ( : <char lit><char lit> )


  • <id>
  • ( : <id><id> )


  • ( cast <literal><expr> )
  • ( cast <class name><expr> )

<print stmt>:  // built-in function

  • print <expr>...
  • println [<expr>]...
  • echo <expr>...

<lambda>:  // must pass qblock thru compile func

  • ( lambda ( [<id>]... ) <expr> )
  • ( lambda ( [<id>]... ) do <block> )
  • ( lambdaq ( [<id>]... ) do <qblock> )

No white space allowed between tokens, for rest of Joopathon Grammar:

<white space>:

  • <white token>...

<white token>:

  • <white char>
  • <line-comment>
  • <blk-comment>


  • # [<char>]... <new-line>


  • { [<char>]... }

<white char>:

  • <space> | <tab> | <new-line>


  • [<underscore>]... <letter> [<alnum>]... [<hyphen-alnum>]... [<underscore>]...


  • <hyphen><alnum>...


  • <letter>
  • <digit>

In plain English, names begin and end with zero or more underscores. In between is a letter followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters. Names may also contain hyphens, where each hyphen is preceded and succeeded by an alphanumeric character.

<num lit>:

  • <dec int>
  • <long int>
  • <oct int>
  • <hex int>
  • <bin int>
  • <float>

<dec int>:

  • [<hyphen>] 0
  • [<hyphen>] <any digit except 0> [<digit>]...

<long int>:

  • <dec int> L


  • <dec int> <fraction> [<exponent>]
  • <dec int> <exponent>


  • <dot> [<digit>]...


  • <e> [<sign>] <digit>...


  • e | E


  • + | -

<keyword const>:

  • null
  • true
  • false

<oct int>:

  • 0o <octal digit>...

<hex int>:

  • 0x <hex digit>...
  • 0X <hex digit>...

<bin int>:

  • 0b <zero or one>...
  • 0B <zero or one>...

<octal digit>:

  • 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

<hex digit>:

  • <digit>
  • A | B | C | D | E | F
  • a | b | c | d | e | f

<str lit>:

  • " [<str item>]... "

<str item>:

  • <str char>
  • <escaped str char>
  • <str newline>

<str char>:

  • any source char. except "\", newline, or end quote

<str newline>:

  • \ <newline> [<white space>] "

<escaped char>:

  • \\  backslash
  • \"  double quote
  • \}  close brace
  • \a  bell
  • \b  backspace
  • \f  formfeed
  • \n  new line
  • \r  carriage return
  • \t  tab
  • \v  vertical tab
  • \ooo  octal value = ooo
  • \xhh  hex value = hh

<escaped str char>:

  • <escaped char>
  • \N{name}  Unicode char. = name
  • \uxxxx  hex value (16-bit) = xxxx


  • c <crmid>... r


  • a | d

Not implemented: string prefix and bytes data type (rest of grammar)

<str lit>:

  • [ $ <str prefix>] <quoted str>

<str prefix>:

  • r | u | R | U

<quoted str>:

  • " [<str item>]... "

<bytes lit>:

  • $ <byte prefix><quoted bytes>

<byte prefix>:  any case/order

  • b | br

<quoted bytes>:

  • " [<bytes item>]... "

<bytes item>:

  • <bytes char>
  • <escaped char>
  • <str newline>

<bytes char>:

  • any ASCII char. except "\", newline, or end quote
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