
Psybervillage is an alternative to the Metaverse, featuring psybertexts which are controlled by Psybergram code. Psybergram is a new programming language having some similarities to Python, and Psybertags is a text markup language. A psybertext is composed of text and optional vertices and edges. Each psybertext is limited to 1000 characters, 1000 vertices, 1000 edges, and 2000 tokens of Psybergram/Psybertags code. Edges can be lines or arcs/bezier curves joining 2 vertices. In 3D mode, the limits are 10,000 vertices and 10,000 edges. Any character or closed curve/polygon can have a uniform fill/pen color or a gradient fill. Special edges can control the gradient fills. A psybertext is the fancy equivalent of a tweet.


A psybergroup is a group of Psybervillage users who share the same Psybergram control script. A given Psybervillage user can belong to multiple psybergroups. Anyone can write a Psybergram control script which corresponds to its own psybergroup. Multiple psybergroups can share the same Psybergram control script.

Voice Capability

Psybergram enables text-to-voice and voice-to-text. So the reader of a psybertext can point to a sentence/phrase and the text-to-voice functionality reads it in the voice of the psybertext author. The AI uses the preexisting voice-to-text psybertexts of a given author to generate text-to-voice output based on arbitrary text.


Psybergram has a turbo mode in which Psybergram code is converted to Java byte code for efficiency. Users can fly through space like in Second Life, viewing psybertexts from afar and up close. Psybergram includes 2D and 3D animation libraries so psybergroup authors can support animated psybertexts. Only gold-level users (see below) can make use of turbo mode, which is necessary in most cases for smooth 3D animation of complex psybertexts.

Business Model

Psybervillage users fall into 3 classes: bronze, silver, and gold. Bronze users pay no fees, except perhaps to select psybergroup authors. They are limited to grayscale mode (including black & white photos, but also full color videos). In addition to shades of gray, bronze users can view output in a single hue (fill color) such as blue or some other color. Bronze users can get a taste of full color mode but only up to 5 minutes per day. Silver users pay $10/year and have full color. Gold users pay $5/month. In addition to full color, gold users can run Psybergram code in turbo mode, in which the psybergroup author makes use of the turbo mode conversion utility. This utility converts Psybergram code to Java byte code, which is much more efficient than plain Psybergram code.

Turbo Mode

The turbo mode conversion utility converts Psybergram code to Java byte code for efficiency. Since Java is statically typed and Psybergram is dynamically typed, variables in Psybergram have static types denoted by the initial letter of the variable or function name. This only applies to Psybergram code which needs compatibility with the turbo mode conversion utility. The initial letter prefix is lower case and is always followed by an upper case letter. Integers, longs, and booleans have a 'i', 'j' or 'b' prefix, respectively. Doubles, char, and strings have a 'd', 'c' or 's' prefix, respectively. Byte, short, and float types are not supported. Server-side code is not generated by this utility, instead the server-side conversion utility converts Psybergram code into Javascript.

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